Tuesday 5th May
Topic Tuesday
V.E day Friday 8th May

Happy Tuesday! Today we are going to be a bit topsy turvy. We are still at the beginning of learning about WW2 but Friday is a very special day regarding WW2. It is the 75th anniversary of V.E day (Victory in Europe day), the day in history when the end of WW2 was declared so we are taking a bit of a jump to the end of the war for today’s tasks.

Task 1 li – to use information/research to create a newspaper report
Use the above link, the powerpoint in files and your own research to find out about what it was like on VE day. One thing which is very memorable from that day is the newspapers and how they reported on the event. Use the newspaper attached in the files as a guide to help you to create your own front cover of VE day. Challenge: see if you could incorporate quotes or witnesses in your page.

Task 2 li – VE day comprehension
The comprehension task is chilli challenged. At the bottom of each page is a star. 1 star = green, 2 stars = orange and 3 stars = red. After each comprehension task is the answers to no peeking!!

Task 3 li – celebrate VE day
At the time, people all over Britain celebrated VE day in many different ways. Chat to an adult about the questions of VE day thoughts sheet and think about how you would have celebrated and how you could celebrate VE day on Friday by possibly making bunting, flags or cakes for example. Another way VE day was celebrated was by giving out medals to soldiers who fought in the war. Have a look at the medal sheet in files and design your own medal.

Friday is an important day for us to remember a significant moment in our country’s history. Although most people who were alive at the time are no longer with us, it is important that we say thanks for the sacrifice they made.
Just like in all aspects of history, one moment, one decision can change it all.
Remember to always be the best version of yourself!
Miss C 😊