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Dear Parents/ Carers,
Last year we compiled a lovely, colourful Yearbook for our P7 Leavers as we weren't able to do all of the usual celebrating with them. Whilst we are hopeful that things should be a bit more normal for this current year group we would like to continue this tradition. The pupils will be working on tasks in school in order for us to share their memories and experiences of their journey through school.
We would love to be able to share a baby/toddler photo of each of our pupils in the Yearbook and perhaps some group/class photos too. If you are able to we would be grateful if you could speak to your child at home and share a photo with us by Monday 12th April. The easiest way of doing this would be to photograph/scan the image at home and send to your child's teacher via Seesaw, in the same way that you were sharing learning during lockdown. If you are unable to do this a photo could be sent in to school in a named envelope and we will scan it here and return the original to you.
Many thanks,
Lucy Kinnear