Good morning P6/7,
I hope you enjoyed our work about Islam yesterday – it was great to see some examples of what you were working on.
Remember to fit in some outdoor time, PE and some reading today. Enjoy!
Miss you all lots!
Mrs Muir
Here we go…Writing Wednesday!
Today is a little bit different – P6 and P7s are going to do different jobs at first today. You can find these in the ‘P6 Buddies’ and ‘P7 Yearbook’ channels on Teams or on the app.
Task 1
Complete your P6 buddies or start your P7 yearbook writing job.
If you finish, please send your work to me and then, if you wish, you can make a start on today’s other writing job. These can be completed in your jotter, on paper or on Word.
Task 2
If you finish your P6 or P1 job then you can move onto this task. Today we will be using our understanding of how to build suspense in a new story. Make sure you refer back to the ‘Building Suspense’ file carefully – it will give you lots of great tips!
First of all, look back at your work from last week. What went well and how could it be even better? Make sure that you keep these in mind when you move onto this new piece of work.
This week, we are not going to use a photo, but simply a story starter. If you find this tricky, you can start the story yourself. You could even use this sentence as the final sentence of your story!
The story starter is –
Bleary eyed and hungry, I wandered down the stairs in my pyjamas. The house was empty…
Remember to plan your story carefully – you can use one of the planners in files or on the app.
When you have finished your planning, you can start to write your story. We are going to use the same checklist as the last two weeks to see if we have improved by using more methods which build up suspense or tension.
As you are writing, use this checklist to help you – |
Write detailed descriptions of your setting (use your word bank) | |
Include long, detailed sentences and short, shocking sentences | |
Include ellipses (...) to create cliffhangers | |
Include clues to tease the reader but don’t give away the story! | |
Describe how your characters feel | |
Describe the five senses (touch, smell, sight, hearing and taste) | |
Include VCOP and writer’s craft. |
You can use your jotter to handwrite your story, type it on Glow or type it straight onto your ePortfolio.
Once you think you have finished, look at the checklist again and check your work over. To assess your work this week, we will use +, = or -.
+ - my work was better than last week – in what way was it better?
= - my work was as good as last week – what should you work on now?
- - my work was not as good as last week – what do you need to do to improve it?
I would love to read your work if you want to email them to me on Glow or share them on Teams.
Afternoon Learning
If you complete your writing, you can complete some Model for Improvement work (the photos are in this week’s folder).
Add your story to your ePortfolio.
Draw the character(s) from your story.
Think about your main character – if they carried a backpack of 10 items, what would these be? Draw your character and their backpack and explain each item.
Today’s brainteaser – What travels around the world but always stays in the same corner?
*The answer to yesterday’s riddle – ‘m’ – minute/moment/thousand
Wednesday’s joke – What do you call a three legged donkey?
A wonky donkey!