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Hi P6/7,

Welcome back to week 7 of home learning! I hope you had a lovely long weekend filled with time to relax, play and enjoy time with your family.

This is a short week so I will be including a mix of different activities for you to do. Remember that there will be a literacy and numeracy task each day plus the home learning grid which you can dip in and out of, doing the activities you choose.

If you aren’t sure about something, just ask! I’m always happy to answer any questions.

We will be having a Teams class meeting at 10am today (Wednesday) so I hope some of you can join us there!

Mrs Muir 😊

Group 3
This week, we will focusing further on money and how to use our maths skills to work out money problems.

Task 1a – numeracy (topic maths)
First of all, get your brains warmed up by trying these games on Twinkl Go. Go to https://www.twinkl.co.uk/go/sign-in or search for Twinkl Go Login on google.

Once you get to this, enter NA1640. This will take you to a set of online activities which you can work through at your own pace. There is one focused on counting coins and the others are general mental maths games to increase your speed and agility.

Task 1b– numeracy (topic maths)
Next, you are going to complete ‘Money Problems’ where you will be asked to combine your skills to figure out the answers to these tricky problems.
Top tips –
  • make sure that you read the information at the start carefully
  • remember to show your working
  • line up your decimal points
  • include a pound sign (£) with your answer if it is needed.