This week, there are different tasks for P6 and P7. Please read the tasks carefully. Both of the tasks focus on health and wellbeing but also have a literacy focus because you will be recording thoughts, ideas and plans.
P6 – I would like you to watch the following presentation ‘World’s Largest Lesson’
This is all about meeting global goals and working towards a safer, happier future. I have included a task sheet with the app/in files which talks you through the activities.
P7 – Please use this time to work through the Branch Out tasks. You will find these in Teams on the Branch Out channel and they have been sent in the app earlier in the week.
Remember that it is okay to work through these individually or you can share your ideas with an adult as you go. It is a good idea to have a separate notebook or paper for these so that you can look back on them as you move on. If you have completed these already then you can complete the P6 task.
P6/7 Wednesday's Literacy Tasks