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Hello everyone,

I hope you had a great start to your week. Thank you for sharing your work with me – you are doing a great job!

P7 – I hope you have a great visit to Auchmuty today. If you want to catch up on these tasks you can but there is no pressure to do so.

P6 – we are meeting at 10am for a P6 chat.

Have a lovely day!

Mrs Muir 😊

Group 3
Today, we are going to keep exploring number and the four operations.

Task 1a – four operations
First of all, I would like you to carry out the ‘Prime Numbers Investigation’. This will show you how you can find prime numbers. Once you have completed it, you can check your work on the ‘Prime Numbers’ sheet but no peeking beforehand!

If you can’t print this task, you can write out the answers on paper or in your jotter.

Task 1b – four operations
Next, I would like you use this website - https://www.mathtrainer.org/ This will give you short, quick questions which will increase your speed and accuracy as you go.