Hello everyone,
I hope you got on well with yesterday’s tasks. We are working slightly differently from this week so please don’t hesitate to ask a question if you can’t find something or feel a bit muddled!
I think you will enjoy today’s tasks. Let me know how you get on with them – I love hearing about your learning!
Mrs Muir 😊
Group 3
Last week, we were looking at budgets and how much we could afford to spend. Today, we will be learning about bills, spending and becoming more confident using a budget.
Task 1 – numeracy (topic maths)
Watch this video about profit and loss - http://www.viewpure.com/zC4-AZ-hKUk?start=0&end=0
It explains that profit is anything you make after you have paid for other things – for example if you owned a shop and had to pay for electricity, advertising, staff and making the item you would need to pay for all of this first before making a profit. A loss is when you lose money, for instance if you sell your item for less than you bought or made it for.
Why do you think that it is important to understand profit and loss?
Task 1a – numeracy (topic maths)
Firstly, you are going to complete textbook page 72. Like last week, this is all about solving money problems and calculating a bill. You will need to use your previous learning to help you with this task. Remember to lay your work out carefully, in your jotter or on paper.
P6/7 Tuesday's Numeracy Tasks for Group 3