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Here are Tuesday's Literacy Tasks


Task 2 – comprehension
Your literacy task this morning is to complete the comprehension task about Puja. Puja is Hindu worship and so this links nicely into our study of World Religions. There are lots of other jobs to do with Hinduism on the home learning grid if you want to find out more.

Make sure that you read the text carefully and then answer in clear, full sentences. Remember that an easy way of answering comprehension questions is to use part of the question in your answer.

For example. Question - What is the weather like in Spain?
Answer - In Spain, the weather is ………………

If you would like a further challenge, pick one of the texts and make up your own questions for someone else to answer. Make sure that you include a range of straight forward questions and inferential questions (these might ask why you think something or ask you to look a bit more deeply into the text).