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Hi everyone,

I hope you enjoyed learning a bit more about budgets and completing your writing tasks yesterday. Remember to have a look at our home learning grid for suggestions of other tasks you can complete.

Hope you have a good day!

Mrs Muir 

Groups 1 and 2

Today, we are going to focus on improving one of our four operations – multiplication. Today’s tasks should improve your speed and confidence when you face a tricky calculation!

Task 1 – operations

Your task today is to complete the must, should, could task. Remember that this is split into sections – you must do the first part, you should try the second part and you could try the third part if you are ready for a challenge!

The activity focuses on grid multiplication. In the ‘must’ and ‘should sections, you are asked to complete the calculations using a grid and in the ‘could’ part of the task, you are asked to fill in the missing numbers from the grids. It is a bit trickier but persevere and you will soon get there! It is a little while since we did this so I have given you an example (with this message/on teams).

Remember that if you can’t print off this task, don’t worry, just pop your answers in your jotter or on paper.

If you would like to challenge yourself further, keep going with the grid method but make your numbers much bigger!