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Here are Thursday's Literacy Tasks


Today, we are going to focus on handwriting and presentation skills. This makes our work clear, easy to read and attractive to look at. I am including some guidance with this message to help you with the cursive joins as I know that not all of you feel confident with all of them.

When presenting a piece of work, we need to –
  • use a sharp pencil
  • include a clear, underlined title
  • include the date in the margin or at the side of the title
  • miss a line between answers/paragraphs
  • use as much cursive as we feel confident
  • try to keep our writing the same size

Task 2a – handwriting
Look back at your spelling words – you are going to use these for your handwriting. I would like you to practise your handwriting by making a shape and writing the word over and over (in cursive handwriting, if you can) around the shape. You could write it inside the shape too. I have made a star to give you an idea of how it could look (attached with this message or in files). You could use stars, circles, swirls, flowers and so on. Remember that the focus here is presenting your work neatly and using your neatest handwriting.

Task 2b – handwriting
Pick a page from your favourite book, or the book you are reading at the moment. I would like you to copy it out as neatly as you can. This will help to enhance your careful copying skills and allow you to practise your handwriting too. Your title can be the page number and title of the book.

I would love to see examples of your handwriting – it is still an important skill, even when we use technology regularly. Remember what I always remind you about in class – every time you pick up a pencil is a chance to practise your handwriting and presentation.