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Good morning everyone,

Well here we are and it is Friday again! The weeks of home learning are going by so quickly! Thank you for all your hard work and thank you to your families who are supporting you too.

Happy Friday and I hope you have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Muir 😊

It is STEM Friday – today we are going to be learning about coding. You will be deciphering codes and making your own codes too.

This will help you to learn three main skills –
  • logical reasoning - this will help you to work logically and work out why something has happened
  • decomposition - this is when you break a task down in to smaller more manageable tasks
  • perseverance - this helps you to be more determined and resilient when things are tricky!

Task 1
First of all, go to https://barefootgames.org/codecracking?ref=https://www.barefootcomputing.org/ this will get your brain warmed up for some code deciphering!

Task 2
Next, you are going to use your logical reasoning skills to crack some lines of code. Remember the skills you have used in task 1 – these will help you! You are going to work on all three skills we talked about earlier - you will need to build up your logical reasoning skills here – this means working out how to solve the problem in a clear, logical way. You may need to use your decomposition skills here to break down the task into smaller parts. This is just what a computer does when it is taking in commands from us. Open ‘Code Breaker’ and give it a go! Make sure you read the instructions carefully - it is tricky so be resilient and keep trying when it becomes hard!

Task 3
Now that you know a bit more about coding and ciphers, challenge yourself to make your own code. You could prepare a message, poem, song or letter in code for someone else to work out! Make it tricky but remember it has to be logical!

Afternoon Learning
Find out more about the Enigma Machine. These websites might be helpful!

Try making a game on Scratch - https://scratch.mit.edu/

Spend some time on Hour of Code building up your skills.

Set up a scavenger hunt around your home and garden with coded messages as the clues!

Choose a challenge from the 25 STEM challenges sheet (on the app/in files).

Today’s maths puzzle – rearrange these letters to find something everyone has lots of! F R I N G E S

*The answers to yesterday’s puzzle – conversation

Today’s joke –
What do you get if you cross a pig with a dinosaur?
Jurassic Park!