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Good morning everyone,

Friday again! It has been a busy week with the start of transition work for P7 as well as yearbook tasks and buddy tasks for P6! That’s another week of home learning completed too – well done for keeping going and persevering!

Have a lovely weekend and happy Friday!

Mrs Muir 😊

It is time for another experiment – it must be Friday!

Today we are going to be learning about Mars and the Mars Rovers. Rovers are robotic vehicles which are sent to different planets to find out more about life there. Today, we will be designing and making our very own Mars Rover!

Task 1
Check out this information about Mars before you start to give you a little bit of background information - https://spaceplace.nasa.gov/all-about-mars/en/
Then, watch this video clip from Glasgow Science Centre - http://www.viewpure.com/eKTdoHDWm0Q?start=0&end=0

Task 2
Design your Mars Rover on paper. Here are some things to think about -
  • What will you need to make your model?
  • How will your Mars Rover move? (Will it have wheels, legs or treads?)
  • How will it be powered? (Will it have solar panels or a battery?)
  • Will certain materials make your Rover too heavy?
  • How will it collect samples?
  • Where will the camera be?
Make a detailed and labelled drawing of your design before you start.

Task 3
If you are ready, collect the materials you will need and get started! Remember to check with an adult that you can use the materials you have found. Please take care using scissors! Once your Mars Rover model is complete, you need to give it a name! I would love to see a photo!

Task 4
Now, you are going to write up your Mars Rover experiment.
Your piece of writing should include –
  • A clear, underlined title
  • A list of the materials you used
  • A drawing or photo of your design
Your piece of writing should answer the following questions –
  • Why did you select your chosen materials?
  • What did you consider when designing your Mars Rover?
  • If you could design your Mars Rover model again, would you do anything differently?

Afternoon Learning
Find out more about Mars. What is it like as a planet? These websites might be helpful! https://www.natgeokids.com/uk/discover/science/space/facts-about-mars/

Other Rovers have gone to Mars – find out what they were like and how they worked. This website might be handy! https://spaceplace.nasa.gov/mars-rovers/en/

Choose a challenge from the 25 STEM challenges sheet (on the app/in files).

Today’s maths puzzle – James counts in 300s starting at 1200. What is the first number higher than 2500 he will land on?

*The answers to yesterday’s brainteaser – 32 874 is the third in the list.

Today’s joke –
How do astronauts serve their dinner?
On flying saucers!