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Good morning everyone,

It is Friday again and we have completed week 2 of the new term! Well done for your hard work and thank you for keeping me smiling with your photos and conversations.

Some of today's challenges need a little bit of help from an adult so please check before you start them.

Don’t forget it is fun Friday so make sure you fit in some fun and maybe even a treat!

Happy learning!
Mrs Muir 😊

Here we are – it is STEM Friday again! Today we are going to be learning about Apollo 13. Apollo 13 was due to land on the moon in April 1970 but the lunar (moon) landing was cancelled because of a serious fault on the spacecraft. The astronauts had to use the materials they had to get them back to earth safely. We will be learning more about what happened and then designing our own ‘landing capsule’ for an egg!

Task 1
Watch this video clip from Glasgow Science Centre - http://www.viewpure.com/ZgWbvzrn-mA?start=0&end=0

Task 2
Design your landing capsule on paper. Decide which materials you will use and how you will put them to good use. Make a detailed and labelled drawing of your design before you start.

Task 3
If you are ready, collect the materials you will need and get started! Remember to check with an adult that you can use the materials you have found. As the video says, it is great to use an egg but if you don’t have any or you don’t want to use it for this, find something else. If you do decide to use an egg, I would recommend asking an adult to help you hard boil it first so that it doesn’t make a mess if it does crack!

Task 4
Once your design is complete, test your landing capsule!

Task 5
What happened? I hope your design worked! Now, you are going to write up your experiment.
Your piece of writing should include –
  • A clear, underlined title
  • A list of the materials you used
  • A drawing or photo of your design
Your piece of writing should answer the following questions –
  • Why did you select your chosen materials?
  • What did you consider when designing your capsule?
  • What did you expect to happen when you dropped the capsule?
  • What did happen when you dropped it?
  • If you could design your capsule again, would you do anything differently?

Afternoon Learning
Find out more about Apollo 13 or the other moon landings – this website might be handy. You could make a Sway with the facts you find! https://www.dkfindout.com/uk/space/moon-landings/

Check in on the progress of your sunflower! Is it growing? Make a table to record the growth.

Choose a challenge from the 25 STEM challenges sheet (on the app/in files).

Today’s maths puzzle – Josh counts in 1000s, starting from 27 932. What is the fifth number that he will count?

*The answers to yesterday’s puzzle –
  • Green – all the others are primary colours
  • December – all the other months have 30 days
  • Calculus – all the others are types of clouds
  • Cabbages – all the other vegetables grow underground.

Today’s joke –
What’s an astronaut’s favourite chocolate bar?
A Mars bar!