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Good morning everyone,

Well done for keeping up with your daily tasks. It is great to see your work – please keep sharing it with me on Glow or Teams. We have made it through another whole week of home learning – well done everyone. I’m really proud of the way you have handled all of this.

Here’s a fun video to remind you all about the power of not giving up when you come across an obstacle!

Happy learning!

Mrs Muir 😊

Here we are – it is STEM Friday!

Task 1
Watch this short clip - https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/class-clips-video/science-ks1-ks2-ivys-plant-workshop-parts-of-a-plant/zvdkpg8  

Once you have watched this, open ‘Parts of a Flower’ and label the flower clearly. If you can’t print this out, please copy it into your jotter.

Task 2
Watch - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/zfx76sg 
Here, you can learn more about the pollination process.
Once you have watched this, complete ‘The Pollination Process’. Include as many details as you can. There is a second task here called Pollination Process 2 if you wish to complete this too. 

Task 3
Research – Why are bees so important to us?
  • Which vital roles do bees carry out?
  • What would happen if there were no bees?
  • How can we protect bees?
Put your research together and create a Sway presentation. If you don’t have access to a computer, create a leaflet.

Afternoon Learning
Create a bee habitat in your garden – please check with an adult that they are happy for you to do this.

Create a detailed piece of artwork of a flower or plant in your house or garden.

Track the growth of your sunflower – is it getting bigger every day? Make a table to record the growth.

Choose a challenge from the 25 STEM challenges sheet (on the app/in files).

Today’s maths puzzle – Find two numbers that have a sum of 40 and a difference of 14.

*The answer to yesterday’s brainteaser – 6 boys were playing football.

Today’s joke –
What is the worst thing about throwing a party in space?
You have to planet!