Here we are starting another busy week – week 8 of home learning this term!
I hope you had a lovely weekend and managed to fit in some fun activities with your families. This week’s learning will follow the same format as the last couple of weeks with a home learning grid with different curricular areas and daily numeracy and literacy tasks.
Remember that we will have a class meeting at 10am on Monday morning, some mental maths games on Wednesday at 10am and a quiz on Thursday at 10am.
If you aren’t sure about something, just ask! I’m always happy to answer any questions. I’ll be available on Teams and by email throughout the day.
Happy Monday!
Mrs Muir 😊
Groups 1 and 2
Today, we are going to continue our focus on mental maths skills. This practice will increase your times tables recall, mental addition and subtraction skills and overall speed.
Task 1a – mental maths
Your first task is to complete the ‘Ultimate times table challenge 2’. This will test your recall of times tables. You will notice that there is a space for your previous score – this will help you to track your progress. You should try to beat your score and time from last week. It might be helpful to highlight any answers you got wrong so that you know these are areas to work on throughout the week.
If you can’t print these off, don’t worry, just write out your answers on paper or in your jotter.
Task 1c – mental maths
There are two options for this task – you can play the ‘mental maths board-game’ (in files, on the app) with someone in your family or you can simply work through the questions as if it is a path. This will make sense when you see it! If you intend to play it with someone else, it would be helpful to use a dice or take turns.
If you can’t print this out, perhaps you could use it from the screen and play it in a different way.
Task 1c – mental maths
Spend 20 minutes practising your times tables (any table which you need to practise).
You could do this by:
- playing Hit the Button,
- writing your times tables out,
- making a poster displaying the different times tables
- asking someone in the family to ask your questions or