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Good morning P6/7,

Welcome back after a lovely, long weekend! I hope your weekend was filled with sunshine, rest and fun! This is week 4 of home learning – you are doing brilliantly – keep it up!

P7s – remember that your yearbook tasks are due to be sent in by this Friday. Busy busy!

Enjoy your Monday!

Mrs Muir 😊

Groups 1 and 2
Welcome to Maths Monday! Last week, we learned how to multiply and divide decimals by 10, 100 and 1000. This week, we are going to move forward a step and multiply and divide by a whole number (for example 37.26 x 4 = ?)
To do this, we follow exactly the same process as we would if we were carrying out a ‘normal’ chimney sum. The key thing to remember is that the points must line up with each other. Every other part of the calculation will be the same. I have included a step by step guide on the app and in files.

Task 1
Work through this example while checking the steps on the guide.
39.52 x 6 =
If you manage to get through this with no problems and you get the correct answer (237.12) then move on to task 2. If you find it tricky, try again until you get there! If you find this really hard, email me and I will give you further help.

Task 2
In your jotter or on paper, complete Textbook page 64. Remember to lay your work out carefully and use a ruler to set your work out neatly.

Task 3
Try one of the challenges from ‘Chilli Challenge’. Pick the one you think is most appropriate for you. You can write out the answers if you can’t print the sheet. These focus on the same skills but you may need to do the calculation in two steps. For example, if you are asked to multiply by 14, you should multiply by 10 then multiply the number by 4. Then, you will need to add them together.
For instance –
0.72 x 14 =
Step 1 – 0.72 x 10 = 7.2

Step 2 – 0.72
                x 4

Step 3 – 7.2
         + 2.88
          10.08            so 0.72 x 14 = 10.08
(These may not line up properly when this message sends so write them out again if you need to)

Task 4
If you would like a further challenge today, go to https://nrich.maths.org/content/id/7468/RS%20Factor%20Track.pdf and try out this game. You can play it on your own or with a partner.

Afternoon Learning
If you have finished the tasks by the afternoon slot, use the time to practise your times tables, spend 20 minutes on Sumdog or Number Gym or create a poster about your learning.

Try out some of May’s daily maths challenges.

Log onto Lexia and complete your 20 minute slot. The teacher address you will need is kaye.armitage@fife.gov.uk

Try this week’s task in the Taskmaster channel on teams.

Something a bit different – learn more about The Battle of Hastings - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zj42xyc
or learn how to write a song! - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zh3nscw


Today’s brainteaser – Starting at 45 872, count backwards in 10 000s. How many steps will it take to get as close to zero as possible without going into negative numbers? What number will you reach?

*The answer to Thursday’s riddle – a map!

A joke to start off this week –
What is a cat’s favourite colour?