Good morning P6/7,
I hope you have had a good weekend and managed to fit in some sunshine, exercise, rest and fun! We are at the start of week two of this term now – you did a great job with your home learning last week. Well done!
Have a lovely day!
Mrs Muir 😊
Welcome to Maths Monday! Today, we are learning more about decimals and learning how to add and subtract them.
Groups 1 and 2
Task 1
Since we last worked on this before the holidays, you may want to refresh your brains by watching this video again – Â
This is all about converting fractions to percentages and decimals. Remember that percent means per hundred.
You might also want to watch this one to give you a reminder about what decimals are -
Task 2
Today, we are going to focus on adding and subtracting decimals. The easiest way to think about this is probably to think about money. You use decimals every day when you think about exchanging money – for example, £1.99 - £1.09 = £0.90 or 90p. Adding and subtracting with decimals is just the same but you need to pay particular attention to the decimal point. These have to be lined up in your calculations. Have a look at the 'adding and subtracting decimals' file – there are lots of examples to work your way through. Make sure you read the examples first.
Task 3
Complete one of the adding and subtracting chilli challenges. Use your jotter to do this and remember to lay your work out in a neat, logical way. The medium chilli challenge is the most straightforward, hot and spicy is getting harder and extra hot is pretty tricky! Pick sensibly so that you give yourself a challenge but the work is manageable.
Afternoon Learning
If you have finished the tasks by the afternoon slot, use the time to practise your times tables, spend 20 minutes on Sumdog or Number Gym or create a poster about your learning.
Or, you can try the word problems task (sent in the next app message) – it is all to do with fractions, decimals and percentages but in word based problems. Read them carefully!
Find examples of real life decimals, fractions and percentages – maybe in a book, magazine or adverts.
Try out the sudokus - these will be sent in the next app message.
Today’s riddle – The more there is, the less you see. What is it?
*The answer to Friday’s puzzle – 27 + 13 = 40 and have a difference of 14 (27-13 = 14)
A joke to start off this week –
Why do we never tell jokes about pizzas?
They’re too cheesy!