I hope you enjoyed yesterday’s tasks. Today, there is an extra transition task for P7, just like last Thursday. P7s - remember that you can save today’s main task for later if you spend a long time on your transition job.
Keep smiling!
Mrs Muir 😊
P7 Task for transition
For all P7s – this task is to continue thinking more about our transition to high school and what we need to do next.
Open the file ‘Thinking Hats 2’. There are two hats - black (problems) and green (creative). These are about how you can figure out any problems about high school and how you can help others to be ready too. You can complete this task on paper, in your jotter or on Word. You can send your answers to me in an email or you can share them with someone at home.
Usually, on a Thursday we complete literacy work but today it has a bit of a twist – it is Thinking Thursday…
Task 1
Open the ‘thinking skills’ file and complete one of these chilli challenges –
- Medium – choose four of the questions and answer them fully
- Nice and spicy – choose seven of the questions and answer them fully
- Extra hot – answer all of the questions
Task 2
Today we are also going to work on editing skills. Look carefully at your answers and use this list to help you edit and improve your work –
- Have you written in sentences and, if your piece is a little longer, paragraphs too?
- Have you included capital letters and punctuation in the right place?
- Have you used everyday ‘boring’ words or have you included ambitious vocabulary?
- Have you used any interesting openers?
- Have you checked your spelling?
Task 3
Complete the editing task about The Great Barrier Reef. If you can’t print this out, you can write it in your jotter or on paper.
Tasks for the afternoon
Write a set of your own thoughtful questions for someone else to answer. Share them in Teams or send them to me in an email. Be creative!
Remember to complete your Lexia if you would usually do this at school.
Enhance your literacy skills even further with these BBC Bitesize Literacy lessons which include videos and tasks –
https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zh222sg - how to use different tenses
https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z6d88xs- using apostrophes
Today’s brainteaser – If you list these numbers in order from lowest to highest, which number will be third in the list?
32 874, 30 292, 32 845, 32 901 and 34 493.
*The answer to yesterday’s riddle – your shadow!
A joke for this morning –
What did one wall say to the other?
I’ll meet you at the corner!