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Good morning everyone,

I hope you had a good day yesterday and managed to complete some of the yearbook or buddy tasks – these can be done at any time in your home learning.

I have included an extra task for P7 transition today. This is separate from today’s literacy work – if you spend a long time on this task, you might want to keep today’s literacy task for this afternoon or another day. P6s, you can complete today’s literacy job as normal.

Remember to stay active and have breaks in your learning!

Mrs Muir 😊


P7 Task for transition
For all P7s – this task is to let us start thinking more carefully about your transition to high school and how we are all feeling about it. Our feelings just now are, perhaps, different due to the current situation so keep that in mind.

Open the file ‘Thinking Hats 1’. There are two hats - white (information) and blue (thinking). Your task is to answer these questions honestly and clearly. You can complete this task on paper, in your jotter or on Word. You can send your answers to me in an email or you can share them with someone at home.


Now it is time for some literacy work…

Task 1
Go to http://takingflightfilm.com/ and watch this video called Taking Flight. It is an animated tale of imagination and adventures.  

Task 2
Complete these questions about the animation. Make sure that you answer in full, detailed sentences. This can be in your jotter, on paper or on Word –
1 - Summarise what happened in the animation.
2 – Who are the key characters in the animation?
3 – At the start of the story, why does Tony think Grandpa is boring?
4 – What changes Tony’s mind about Grandpa?
5 – What did you like and dislike about this animation?
6 – If we could make Taking Flight – Part 2, what do you think would happen next?

Task 3
Tell the story from Tony’s point of view. Remember to include how he feels, what is happening and describe his adventures with Grandpa. As you write, think about VCOP – add ambitious vocabulary, consider your connectives, start your sentences with different openers and think about your punctuation!

Task 4
Imagine that you (Tony) and Grandpa found Dad’s old childhood diary in the garage. What secrets would it hold about the adventures they had been on? Remember to consider VCOP as you write.

Tasks for the afternoon
Continue the story and add in your own adventures!

Write a letter to Grandpa to thank him for taking you on an adventure, or tell him about the adventures you have had with Dad since you saw him!

Write your own version of the story to accompany the film – you could change the characters, setting and method of transport.

Turn ‘Taking Flight’ into a comic strip (draw your own) or use Make Belief Comix to create one.

Remember to complete your Lexia if you would usually do this at school.

Something a bit different – geography! Go to this website (BBC Bitesize) https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z4dxt39 where you will find facts, videos and activities all about the world and mapping!

Today’s riddle – Where can you find cities, towns, shops and streets but no people?

*The answer to yesterday’s riddle – a stamp!

A joke for this morning –
Why did the snake cross the road?
To get to the other sssssside!