Good morning everyone,
I was really impressed with your writing yesterday - your skills are really developing. Keep working hard!
Remember to have a mix of activities today – keep active too.
Have a lovely day!
Mrs Muir 😊
Now, time for some literacy work…
Task 1
Go to and watch this video called La Luna.
Task 2
A - Summarise what happened in the video.
B - Write a list of the key characters in the video.
C – Why do you think the film is called ‘La Luna’?
D - Give the film an alternative title.
E – Describe what you think might happen in the next part of the story.
Task 3
This video has no speech. What effect does this have? Why do you think the producers have done this? Now, name the characters and write a script to go along with the video.
Task 4
Write detailed instructions about ‘how to catch a star’.
Remember to lay your work out neatly and use sequencing words such as ‘first, next’ and so on or, number your steps.
Tasks for the afternoon
Write your own version of the story to accompany the film.
Rewrite ‘La Luna’ from a different point of view.
Turn ‘La Luna’ into a comic strip (draw your own) or use Make Belief Comix to create one.
Today’s brainteaser – There are 60 children in the playground. Three fifths are girls. A quarter of the boys are playing football. How many boys are playing football?
*The answer to yesterday’s brainteaser – A pizza costs £2.30.
A joke for this morning –
How do you know when the moon has had enough to eat?
It’s a full moon!
P6/7 - Literacy Thursday