Good morning P6/7,
I hope you have had a nice weekend! You are doing so well with your home learning – thank you to everyone for trying so hard in these tricky times. I am missing you all lots but I am enjoying seeing your work and chatting to you each day!
Have a lovely Monday!
Mrs Muir 😊
Group 3
Welcome to Maths Monday! Today, we are learning more about money and focusing on how to give change accurately. This is a skill you will need throughout your life so it is a really handy one!
When we are giving change, you can work in two different ways. You can either count up from the amount you paid, to the amount of money you handed over – see ‘counting up or down’ photo. Or, you can count from the amount of money you gave, down until you reach the amount you need to pay – see ‘counting up or down’ photo.
When you are giving change there might be different options – for example, you could give £5 as a note or as 5 £1.00 coins. You could give £1.20 change as £1.00, 10p and 10p or 50p, 50p, 20p. There will be lots of different combinations – usually people in shops try to give you back the least amount of coins they can but as long as it adds up to the right amount it is correct!
Task 1 – warm up!
Go to where you can watch a video about giving change. The right change is very important, for you and the shop!
Task 2
Complete the ‘Check your change from £5.00’ worksheet. This asks you to check if your change is correct. If it is not correct, it asks you to work out the correct amount of change.
Task 3
Complete the ‘Check your change from £10.00’ worksheet. This is the same as above but you are giving change from £10.00 instead.
Task 4
In your jotter, complete p77 of workbook 1B. This is all about giving change. Remember to show your working and lay your work out clearly.
Afternoon Learning
If you have finished the tasks by the afternoon slot, use the time to practise your times tables, spend 20 minutes on Sumdog or Number Gym or create a money poster.
Log onto Lexia and complete your 20 minute slot. The teacher address you will need is
Set up a shop at home – you could have a price list, menu or posters. Practise giving change to your family.
Try this week’s task in the Taskmaster channel on teams.
Something a bit different - brush up on your French language skills by listening to speech and playing games on BBC Bitesize -
Today’s riddle – What begins with ‘t’, ends with ‘t’ and has ‘t’ in it?
*The answer to Friday’s brainteaser – The next five numbers Josh will count are 28 932, 29 932, 30 932 and 31 932.
A joke to start off this week –
How do you talk to a giant?
Use big words!
P6/7 Group 3 Maths Monday