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Today, I would like you to take your literacy work outdoors (weather permitting!) These tasks can be done indoors with a different material if the weather is not suitable or if you aren’t able to go outdoors.

If you are going for a walk, make sure that you are accompanied by an adult and that you stay safe and stick to our current social distancing advice. If you are unable to go for a walk, perhaps you could use an outdoor space at your house.  

Task 2a
I would like you to go on a mission to find small stones. Please be sensible and thoughtful about where you take them from – we don’t want to upset our community!

‘Story stones’
Once you have found a selection of stones, I would like you to decorate them (see the examples in files or on the app) so that they can be part of a story. I think it is probably best to think of your storyline first so that you know what you need – for instance, a wolf, a mountain, a cabin and a snowstorm. You can paint them, add textures and perhaps sharpies will work too – experiment!

Decorate your stones as characters, places or objects and then use them to tell your story. The lovely thing about this is that the story can change each time – this is very natural storytelling and will help you to work on your description, expression and presentation skills. I would love to hear your stories so it would be great if you could ask someone to film you or take a photo.

Remember to use all of the language tools you can – rich language, repetition, ambitious vocabulary, interesting openers, similes and metaphors. This will make your story interesting and engaging.

Don’t worry if you can’t get to an outdoor space or you can’t find any suitable stones, you could make your ‘stones’ out of paper.

I can’t wait to see these so please share them with me by email or on Teams!