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Good morning P6,

The P6 teachers have been working hard on some special tasks for you to complete while you are at home. We would normally meet and work with our nursery buddies around this time of the term as they prepare to move up to P1. This year, however, needs to be a bit different! We will be asking you to complete these tasks and then we will pass them on to your buddy!

Your first task is to introduce yourself to your buddy! There are two options - you can either type onto the sheet and send it back to us or you can print it out and work on the sheet. If you can't print out the sheet you can make your own on paper, don't worry!

Your second task is to make a short video clip which introduces you to the group of buddies and tells them why you think you will be a great buddy. Maybe you could add some of the details from task 1 to make it more interesting. If you don't have a way of filming yourself for this task, don't worry - you can let us know on Teams or send us an email. 

Please send these two tasks to your teacher on Teams (we will have a separate channel for them) or email them to us (gw12muirsara@glow.sch.uk, gw20barrettshannon@glow.sch.uk or gw10tullochbarbara@glow.sch.uk)

We hope you enjoy this task!

Mrs Muir, Mrs Barrett and Mrs Tulloch