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Writing Wednesday- 13.5.20
Good Day Mini Ladies and Gents!
I hope you are all well I am loving seeing all of your pieces of work. Please remember everyone that as well as submitting work on TEAMS, you can also email pictures of what you are working on to gw10tullochbarbara@glow.sch.uk or save a picture on TEAMS. I’d love to see even more of you sharing with me.

Today is a day for writing.
Primary 6 children. Your most important task is to submit your writing about yourself for your P1 buddy (who you will have responsibility for in P7). This was put up last week but there is another post about this on the app today. In TEAMS there is also a file called P6 buddy which has the information you need. It then needs to be sent to me as soon as possible, so Mrs Gilfillan can sort out the new Primary 1 transition.

f you have already done thisor are a P5, carry on with this writing task.

Look at the picture of this girl in a jar.

Think about
  • How did she get there?
  • Why is she there?
  • How does she feel?
  • What size is she?
  • Is she always this size?
  • She looks like she is trying to get out. Why?
  • How would you be feeing?
  • Where is it set?
  • What happens next?
There is a writing planner attached, which can easily be done in a jotter.
Then write the story.
Have fun! It’s a crazy picture!!

Answer to yesterday’s anagram
Mary Poppins
Today’s Joke
Don’t spell part backward. It’s a trap.
Today’s Anagram- Movie
Die Into Us

Happy Learning
Mrs T x