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Wednesday 24.6.20
Did you know that on this day in 1314, Scottish forces led by Robert the Bruce won over Edward II of England at the Battle of Bannockburn in Scotland?
… Well you do now!!

The other week you learned about particular reading skills called skimming and scanning. Today is your chance to use these skills. Attached is a piece for you to read about Robert The Bruce including information on who he was and why he is an important figure in Scottish history. Firstly, read the passage in more detail. Then, read it again scanning for the particular pieces of information you need to create a Robert The Bruce fact file. There are two fact files included, one slightly simpler than the other. You don’t have to print these out. Simply write the fact file into your jotter. This is going to require you to sort information into what you need and wat you don’t need. You can also use Google to give you any additional information.
Watch this video clip too.

Numeracy and Maths
First watch this video clip


Also attached there are 2 different maths investigations which focus on probability. Probability is all about how likely things are and aren’t to happen. These investigations involve you exploring with dice and coins.

Happy Learning today!
Love Mrs T

Answer to yesterday’s anagram
Today’s Joke
Why did the old man fall down the well?
The old man did not see that well!
Today’s Anagram – A country
A Wants BO