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Tuesday 10.6.20

Hiya Grotbags! I do hope that you are all well today and staying chirpy- full of the joys of life!!. We’re a third of the way through June today- how mind blowing is that??

For your literacy today we are going to do some reading comprehension activities. It is the same reading passage for all, though some of you might benefit from reading this out loud to or with an adult to check that you are doing the right thing. The file for this is attached to the post.

Numeracy and Maths
It’s Investigation tasks today using the nrich website.

Group 1

Follow this link for your investigation which is all about counting digits. Be logical in the way you tackle this.

Group 2

Follow this link for a dotty logical thinking investigation game. There is a video and clear instructions too. You will need a dice or you could make cards to turn over with the numbers 1-6 to pick up randomly.

Group 3

Follow this link for your investigation. This involves you trying to make  wee video all about te number 12. Could you try this for any other number?

Now there are some mental maths challenge cards attached to another post.

Happy Learning today!
Love Mrs T

Answer to yesterday’s anagram
Today’s Joke
Q: What do you call an alligator in a vest?
 A: An Investigator
Today’s Anagram – A country
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