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Tuesday 30.6.20

Hi All-Hope you’re doing fine today and getting plenty fresh air. My boys are driving me demented just now so I hope you lot are all being kind and helpful for your parents.

Today’s literacy task is a thinking and creative one. I would like you to make a poster which displays all of your positive personality characteristics. Here is a website to start off your thinking and give you some good ideas.


This list is, by no means, finished. You may think up many super ideas yourself. Make a portrait of yourself in the centre and really ‘sell’ yourself! You are all fantastic people and would be lovely to see you showing yourself off here. You can do this on the computer or on paper. Either will be great. I look forward to seeing these later on.
In the attachment, I have included a further list of character traits and a few examples of posters.

Numeracy and Maths

For today’s numeracy, I would like you to create your own board game which will test your learning on an area we have looked at during lockdown. It can be linked to
  • Time
  • 3D shape
  • Number patterns
  • Rounding numbers and
  • Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division.
It could be a snap type game, a board game, a bingo game, a dominoes game or, if you’re feeling particularly creative, a PowerPoint game, where you ask question and then reveal answers. The world is really your oyster here. I’ve attached some pictures to give you some ideas. Have fun!

Happy Learning today!
Love Mrs T

Answer to yesterday’s anagram
Today’s Joke
I just finished a book about Mount Everest- It was a cliff hanger.
Today’s Anagram – A country
Dam Car Saga