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Tuesday 23.6.20
Good day all- Thank you for all of your hard work yesterday. You are all working so hard and doing amazing things.

Today’s literacy task is a PowerPoint writing and designing task. It will not be long before you are introduced to your new teacher for next year, so I’d like you to create your PowerPoint all about you. If you normally use the app to find out what the day’s tasks are and don’t have access to technology for a longer period of time, you can make a wee booklet instead, Tell your new teacher all about yourself- what interests you? Who is in your family? What do you like about school? What do you find tricky? You can include photographs and pictures, but make your work entertaining and fun. I’ve made a daft one about me to give you an idea, which is only as a PDF in the app, I’m afraid!

Numeracy and Maths
This week I am not going to put group names against these online maths games. They are all linked to rounding numbers so have a try at some or all of them! Today’s joke also has a rounding theme!!


Happy Learning today!
Love Mrs T

Answer to yesterday’s anagram
Today’s Joke
My friend asked me to round up his 37 sheep. I said, “40.”
Today’s Anagram – A country
I Am Baz