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Tuesday 16.6.20

Hey All- TEAMS meetings for groups at various points today. I hope you are all still smiling and laughing as usual. xx

Today’s task is a writing task. Last week we started looking at writing sets of instructions. Instructions use what we call imperative verbs- doing words with a ‘bossy’ tone, because instructions must tell you exactly what to do. First watch these video clips, which explain this in a bit more detail.


Now try the activity sheet called Imperative Verbs-Recipes. You don’t need to print this off but can write your answers in your jotters.
Also attached is an example piece of writing called ‘How To Get to Starshine City.’

Starshine City is an imaginary place but the instructions for how to get there still need to be quite bossy in tone. Once you have looked through the example carefully, write your own set of clear instructions on how to get to your own imaginary place. Be as creative as you can in explaining the way to get there, but still make sure that your verbs are bossy.

Numeracy and Maths
In Numeracy yesterday, we looked at patterns in numbers. Here are some number pattern related computer games for you to consolidate your learning from yesterday. I’m not putting group names at these but they do get progressively more tricky.






Happy Learning today!
Love Mrs T x

Answer to yesterday’s anagram
Today’s Joke
I always wanted to be a doctor, but I didn't have the patients
Today’s Anagram – A country