Topic Tuesday- 5.5.20
We’re going to look at a couple of different things today. There is a puppet task later but I though we’ focus on some health and wellbeing learning first.
Our Food
A lot of the food we eat comes from different parts of the world. Watch these video clips about where our food comes from and how this affects the planet.
Now, try to complete the ‘How Far Did My Food Travel?’ activity sheet which is attached. You’ll need to use the internet to do some research on where different countries are in the world and how far they are from the UK.
Once you have done this, you can start to have a think about sock puppets.
Watch this video clip.
This will give instructions on making your puppet. You don’t have to have a hot glue gun. Just remember that other glues will take a bit longer to dry. Instead of using googly eyes or pompoms, you can make your own eyes using card. Adapt parts of this to suit what you have available.
Yesterday’s Anagram
Today’s Joke
Did you hear about the robber who stole a calendar?
He got twelve months.
And the anagram
Have Fun!
Love Mrs T x