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Topic Tuesday- 28.4.20
It was great to see all of your work on money yesterday. Just remember when you’re older, to try and save some of it rather than spending it all.
Today we are going to revisit our topic on the puppet show.
Last week’s focus was on shadow puppets, so this week we are going to start looking at hand puppets.

Your first task is to watch the following video clips

Then try to make one or two of these puppets. They just use paper and glue really.
Start to think about what kind of character or personality you would like your puppet to have. Is it bad tempered or friendly? Is it bossy or shy?
This video should help you think about voices for your puppet.
I've attached a PDF to help you to think about this


Now use your puppet to tell people about the importance of staying at home. Try to make a video of this which we could maybe use on social media. Try to write a wee script first so that you don’t get stuck in the middle, leaving silent gaps.

Yesterdays joke-
What do you call a pig that does karate?
A pork chop!
And the riddle- a computer keyboard
Today’s joke
Did you hear about the Italian chef?
He pasta way.
And today’s riddle-
If I say "everything I tell you is a lie", am I telling you the truth or a lie?

I hope you have fun with this today.