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STEAM Friday- 1.5.20
Answer to yesterday’s riddle is S
Can you guess the next letter in the series? "CYGTNLIT"
Today’s Joke:
Did you hear about the man who stole a truckload of eggs?
He has returned them. Apparently he only did it for a yolk.

We are going to have an Art focus for part of today. I hope you enjoy this as I’m really missing teaching you new art skills. I’m trying to keep this to using resources which a lot of you will have in the house.
The following link is a full art lesson to try and create a face in the style of Picasso. Try a few by folding paper in lots of different ways.
In science we are looking at a bit of air resistance. Watch this clip on YouTube to see what air resistance is all about.
Then see if you can try this
Have a lovely weekend guys
Mrs T