Hi All
I hope you all had a lovely weekend and managed to get outdoors a bit. We’re coping well and I’m so proud of all your achievements. Today is Maths Day again.
There are 3 different posts- one for each maths group. I’ll post answers at midday as this is always tricky for me to see in photos and is difficult for you to show me working out in a document.
Group 3 will be working on some vertical addition You will need to remember to set your calculations out very carefully so that your Tens digits are all in one column and your Ones digits are all I one column.
Watch this video clip first.
and this
Use the attached document and try these 2 digit adding calculations.
After you have done the task, try this adding game.
Answer to last week’s anagram
Today’s Joke
I was going to tell a pizza joke but it was too cheesy.
Today’s Anagram- A Movie
Oh Glee Motive
Love Mrs T x