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Maths Monday- 11.5.20
Hi All
I hope you all had a lovely long weekend. I can’t believe that we are this far through May already. It only seems like yesterday that I last saw all of your lovely wee faces.

Today is Maths Day again. There are 3 different posts- one for each maths group. There are 3 worksheets in each. Don’t print these out!! Write the answers to your questions in an organised way in your jotters. Most of these activities are about playing around with numbers and looking at different number sequences.

First of all, have a look at these wee video clips.

Then try your group’s maths activity.
Finally, follow this link for a wee logic game to play with an adult.


Answer to last week’s  anagram
Today’s Joke
How do all the oceans say hello to each other?
They wave!
Today’s Anagram- A Movie
Mr Anion
Have Fun!
Love Mrs T x