Literacy Thursday- 21.5.20
Woah!!! The 21st May!! Where is time going? As the weeks go on, I’m missing you all more and more.
Today is a day for Literacy. I have planned lots of different tasks for you which are all attached here. There is a chilli challenge element to this too. I’ll look forward to seeing what you manage. Try and listen to chapter 8 and 9 of Peter Pan, following the story on the PDF in Teams.
Chapter 8 starts at 2:24:44 and
Chapter 9 starts at 2:51:13
The PDF of the book is on TEAMS and a previous Literacy Thursday post.
Answer to yesterday’s anagram
Pete’s Dragon
Today’s Joke
What musical instrument is found in the bathroom? A tuba toothpaste.
Today’s Anagram- Movie
Pack her twirl
Finally, listen to chapter 8 and 9 of Peter Pan here. The PDF of the book
Have a lovely long weekend guys.
Love Mrs Tx