Friday 12.6.20
Hey All- The end of yet another week! Enjoy your learning today and have a lovely weekend!
We are focussing today on stories and questions that really make us think hard and consider why we think the way we do. First, read the story of The Monkey and her Baby which is in the attached file. Now try and answer the first set of questions. There are no real correct answers, but you must give reasons for each answer.
The story really focusses on- What is beauty? You should now try the next set of questions about this. You will not find the answers for this in the story. You really have to focus on what YOU believe!
After you have done this, try some of the thinking cards attached and discuss these with someone in your house. Can you think of any more similar questions?
Numeracy and Maths
It’s outdoor learning today for Maths. Try to make an outdoor clock lyike one of the clocks in the attached document. Test someone in your house on their time telling skills. Have your own time telling skills tested as well.
Next, try some of the timing challenge activities. In the gaps, think up your own activities to be timed.
Happy Learning today!
Love Mrs T
Answer to yesterday’s anagram
Today’s Joke
I can't believe I got fired from the calendar factory. All I did was take a day off.
Today’s Anagram – A country
A Air Cot