This is a wee message to update you all on what we have been up to in Primary 3 since starting the new school year and to let you know some information on bits n bobs

Primary 3 have settled in brilliantly to the new ways in the school. We have been adapting to the new routines and expectations in school and being very sensible and dilligent. We have also been focusing on working together is a P3 team and as a table team (and having lots of fun making pom poms whilst doing so!) We have also been focusing on our mental health and looking at things we could do if we get upset or worried. Feel free to ask to show you different breathing techniques.
We spent the first few weeks getting our heads back into school and did a lot of learning through reading the novel George's Marvellous Medicine. We have written our own medicine recipes and have been very artistic by sketching characters by the illustrator Quentin Blake. We have also been learning about onotmatopoeias, sequencing of a story and alliteration.
We loved George's Marvellous Medicine so much that we then read The Twits are now on to reading James and the Giant Peach! We love Roald Dahl.

Our new topic is Robots which has meant that our literacy reading focus is now the The Iron Giant. We are making our way through reading it and enjoying learning about similies. Ask us all about it! Through Robots we are also focusing on Engineering and Technology which we are loving. Lots of mini engineers in this class! We have looked at what a robot is, what they do in our society and are now looking at how you programme them through coding. We have found this a bit more trickier than we had thought :)
I have said that it would be great if junk could be brought in over the next few weeks so that it could be quarantined before we make robots out of it.
I ask at the moment that Show and tell be kept to a minimum and only have a robot focus. I love that the children are wanting to bring in things to share with the class but due to restrictions, this is difficult. If you could email photos of what the children want to show, this would be ideal. Please email to the school who will pass them onto myself.

In numeracy, we have been focusing on place value and looking at numbers more closely. This has lead to lots of discussion and we are starting to be able to see the links and have a better understanding. We are going to move on to adding and subtracting soon. We have also started to look at time, o'clock, quarter to/past and 5/15 minute intervals. We will be moving on to digital time in the not to distant future.

Our gym day, at the moment is a Friday. Whatever is worn to school on Friday is what they will do gym in so please be mindful of that and be aware of the weather. 

We are going to be watching films linked to our learning in class which may be a PG. If you wish your child not to take part, please let the school know by Wednesday.
So as you can see, we have been working our socks off in P3 and have been learning so much! I know that we are just going to have the best year and if there is anything you would like to let me know or chat about, just get in touch.

Miss Coleman :)