Hello Everyone!
I am delighted to have joined the MPS team, and I am loving getting to spend my time with P2B.
We have spent the first few weeks of term learning and practising our routines, which include hand washing throughout the day, cleaning our play areas within the classroom, and getting to grips with how the new school day works. The children have adapted so well to all the changes and I am so proud of every single one of them for being so adaptive to all the changes. Please continue to encourage hand washing at home, for 20 seconds at a time!
P2B have been busy bees already this term and have been learning a lot. We have been focussing mainly on literacy, numeracy, outdoor learning and health and wellbeing. We have also just started our topic which the children are really enjoying!
As a class, we have been practising our sounds and learning new sounds. We have been working on ‘magic e’ this week, and the children have created their own ‘magic e’ wands to change the vowels in a word from a short vowel sound to a long vowel sound.
We have also been revisiting how to write a super sentence. We have been practising using our capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. The children have been using the sounds they have been learning to be able to write their words in the sentences.
The children will be sent home with a reading book every Friday to read over the weekend. This must be returned on the Monday so the books can be quarantined for 72 hours for other groups to use. Thank you to those who are bringing them in on time so far.
In numeracy, we have been looking at our number formation and sequencing. We have been looking at a hundred square on the IWB and figuring out what number is one before/ one after a number. We have been revising our number bonds to 10 which is a really important part of our learning.
Some of the class have been working on place value. We have been super at this this week. We have been learning about tens and ones, and how we can figure out how many tens and ones are in a number!
Health and Wellbeing
This term we have focussed on learning about our feelings and emotions. We read ‘The Colour Monster’ and discussed what colours represented each emotion. We have completed a range of activities exploring our emotions, and how we can help someone who may be feeling sad or angry. We have also created a wellbeing check in in the classroom, where children can put their lollipop stick in the coloured jar that represents their emotion throughout the day.
We have also been exploring stranger danger, and who we can talk to if we need help. Please continue to have this discussion with your children.
IDL/ Topic
A very special visitor has landed in our classroom. Zorg, a green alien from the plant Twonk has landed his spaceship in P2B. He has come to find out all about our school and the Markinch community. We will be spending the next few weeks exploring our community in different ways, taking Zorg along with us of course! He even brought us our very own spaceship to use.
Many items of clothing have been left in the classroom and do not get claimed, resulting in the items going to lost property. Can I please ask that all uniform (particular jumpers and cardigans) have your child’s name clearly written on them.
I am so proud of how much P2B have achieved so far this term. I cannot wait to see what is now in store for us all!
Stay safe,
Miss Wilkie