Happy Wednesday everyone, I cannot believe it is halfway through the week already, time is going so fast! 😲

Writing Wednesday

This will be our final week of letter writing. Everyone has done a fantastic job with your letters, well done!

Today I have set 3 different tasks for you to work through. 

Task 1 – Is it formal or informal? Using what you have learned about formal and informal letters, read the 4 letters in this task and decide if they are formal or informal letters.  Think about what is included in a formal and informal letter and use that to help you work it out.

Task 2 – Once you have written a letter to someone, the next step would be to write an envelope and send it to them! Head over to seesaw and listen to the voice clip I have done to explain how to write an address for an envelope. If you do not have access to seesaw I have attached a slide explaining the 5 different things you need.

I have then set a small problem-solving task for you to write an address. Read the text I have written and use the information in it to work out what the address would be if you were to send a letter to this person. Then write the address down using the correct format. 

Task 3 – Write a letter. Choose one of the two options below and use them to write a letter.

Write a formal Letter to Jamie Frink letting him know what you think of his idea to create a cartoon called Krazy Kow.

Write an informal letter to Jamie Frink letting him know what you think of his idea to create a cartoon called Krazy Kow.

Take time to think about what a formal and informal letter looks like and what you should include.  Use this as a chance to practice your handwriting, spelling and VCOP work.

Have a great day!

Miss Fyfe  😁