I am delighted to be at Markinch PS and I am really enjoying getting to know the children in our class. We have created our class charter, appointed class monitors (weekly) and have spent some time focusing on our feelings and socialising skills through play. I have been emphasising the importance of daily routines to transition around the school, as well as learning to regularly sanitise and wash hands, and the children have adapted to this new normal. I am very proud of the children for the way they have already settled into their new classroom environment and new school year.
Reading books Some children are now bringing home a reading book each Friday. Please make sure the books are returned to school each Monday. They will be quarantined for 72 hours and made available to other children thereafter. If your child does not receive a book this is because their book has chapters and will be required in class for further literacy activities the following week, and therefore cannot be quarantined.
Lost property – There have already been a few instances of clothing being left and going unclaimed. To help me identify the owners in my class, could you please make sure all clothing is labelled with children’s names and class.
PE I have timetabled gym for a Tuesday and Friday at the moment. Gym will still be outdoors and it would be great if the children could come in suitable outdoor wear (including shoes) on these days, so they don’t get cold when we are outside.
Painting shirts Can you please help us by donating a shirt that would be suitable to use to protect the children’s school clothes during painting?
Many thanks
Mrs Philp