Happy Tuesday everyone! 

I hope everyone got on well yesterday with the new way of At Home Learning. 😀

Tuesday Tasks:

Literacy - Today we will be learning about imperative verbs (which are also known as bossy verbs!) 

Numeracy - This will be our last Fractions lesson, so far we have focused on the fraction of a shape but today we will be learning how to find the fraction of a number. (Think back to when we were learning about multiplication and division and I told you that learning would come in handy later in the term, here we are!) 

If you are looking for some extra learning tasks, choose something from the Learning Grid, the tasks sent home or the additional tasks I sent out at the beginning of the term. Let me know how you get on with these by posting work, videos or voice memos over seesaw. 👍🏻

Have a fantastic day! 😀😀

Miss Fyfe