Good morning everyone, I hope you enjoyed your fractions work yesterday. It was tricky but you all did a great job! 👍🏻

Topic Tuesday

So far in our topic this term we have leaned what a force is and all about gravity, today we are learning about Air Resistance.

First – Look at the sheet I have attached.  It has a list of 2 objects and asks you to predict which one you think will fall the fastest.  Work your way down the list, guessing which one will fall faster.

Then - Head over to seesaw and watch my demonstration on Air resistance, this will give you the answers and help you to understand why. (or watch this clip

Today’s task – Use air resistance to slow down a falling toy.

Step 1 – find a small figure which you will be able to attach to a parachute. A Lego man, action figure or small doll would do the trick.

Step 2 – drop the toy from a height and time how long it took it to reach the ground, it will be quick so watch carefully! You could hold it at arms length, from the top of a slide, ask your adult to drop it from above their head – as long as you are safe and do not break the toy. 😱

Step 3 – use materials you can find around your house to build a parachute which will slow down your toy as it drops. Think about what we have been learning today and what would be the best way to gets it to slow down. (You can find an example of how to make one here if you need it

Step 4 – attach the parachute to your figure and hold it from the same height as step 2. Let it drop and time how long it takes now. Did you manage to make it slow down? If not look at your design and think about the air resistance, what could you change? The try it again.

Extension Challenge

Parachutes are not the only thing that use air resistance.  Have a look at all these different experiments and try some of them out.