Happy Tuesday to you all!

Topic Tuesday

As we all know, out topic at the moment is Electricity, forces and sound.  We have worked very hard learning lots about electricity, so it is now time to move onto forces!

Task 1 – Watch the video below then answer the questions at the bottom of the page.


Task 2 – Complete the worksheet I have attached. 

I hope you were listening very carefully to the video! Use what you learned in the video to complete the sentences on the sheet.  Once you have completed the sentences, move onto the next part of the worksheet.  In this part you need to predict what force you would need to apply to complete the task.  Please remember - to predict something means to guess first, make your guess before you try it out!  Once you have made your predictions you can do the task and see if you needed to use a push, pull or twist to do it. 😊

Task 3 – Go on a treasure hunt around your home and garden looking for different things you make move by pushing, pulling and twisting.  Put the information you find into a table like this:
Push Pull Twist