P2/3 Thursday Learning Tasks
Good morning everyone and welcome to our final day of P2/3! 😲
I want to start by saying a HUGE thank you to each and every one of you for making my first year at Markinch a truly amazing one. It has not been the year I expected with the last term spent in front of a laptop at home instead of in class with you, but it has been an absolutely fantastic year!
As I explained yesterday, today is going to be a little bit different to other at home learning days . . . we are going on our end of year trip! 😁😁😁
I have uploaded details onto seesaw and all the things you will need for our day. Over the course of the day I will also send out some fun activities for you to do as well.
Again, thank you so much for a wonderful year. It is a very sad way to end our year together, but I will see you all again in August,
Have a fantastic Summer!
Miss Fyfe ❤