Thinking Thursday
I have set up a selection of different Literacy tasks for today. Individual group work has been sent to you through seesaw, please work from seesaw if you can.
Task 1 – Whole class task.
Spotting mistakes in your writing can be tricky. In this task I have set 3 different sheets (Chilli Challenge!) for you to read through and correct as many mistakes as you can. They could be spelling, punctuation or grammar mistakes, and there may be more than one mistake in each sentence!
Take your time to read then carefully and write out each sentence correctly. As always with a chilli challenge, choose a sheet which challenges your learning, don’t make it too easy of too difficult for yourself! 😊
Task 2 – Spelling groups
Take time to practice your spelling words from last week, have someone at home read them out to you and write them one at a time in the back of your jotter.
This week’s words are in the table below.
Consonants – You are continuing to revise the new sounds we have been learning over the past 2 terms. I have had to split them over 3 weeks now as there are so many!
Vowels – You are looking at the alternative spellings for the long O sound (ow, oe and o_e)
Syllables – We will be looking at silent letters over the next few weeks. Today we are starting with b and w.
Consonants | Vowels | Syllables |
What Whisper Alphabet Phone Draw Yawn Toe Potatoes Launch Author |
Window Grow Bowl Goes Potatoes Echoes Phone Woke Note |
Thumb Doubt Climbing Subtle Limb Wrong Answer Write Sword wriggle |
Task 3 - Reading Groups
I have set your reading tasks on seesaw. If you do not have access to seesaw, log onto oxford owl or get epic and read new book to someone at home. Or you could find a book at home you have never read before! 😊
Have a great day, stay safe!
Miss Fyfe