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Good Morning everyone,

I hope you all had a lovely long weekend! 😎

Maths Monday

Today we are continuing to learn about ordering fractions, but this week we are learning how to put fractions onto a number line correctly.

First, head over to seesaw where I have posted a voice clip and example to explain how to add fractions onto a number line. If you do not have access to seesaw I have attached an example of a number line with fractions and a few examples, talk this over with an adult or someone at home. 

Next, complete the worksheets I have set.  The first sheet is a reminder of how to write and read fractions.  If you are already confident in doing this, then you do not need to complete it. Sheets 2, 3 and 4 ask you to add fractions to a number line.  If the sheets begin to get too tricky, please stop.  Remember to get in touch through seesaw if you need some extra support to complete these.

Once you have completed you worksheet, pop onto Sumdog or Education City where I have set up some activities for you! 😁

Extension challenges

Practice your multiplication using playing cards, dice or dominoes to make your own number sentences.  Challenge someone at home to see who can get the most correct!

Use hit the button to practice your number bonds – push yourself to try 20 or 100!

Do you know any famous mathematicians? (Those are people who do Maths for a job or are very very good at Maths and discovered something new about Maths that we use now). Research famous Mathematicians and find out some interesting facts about them.