Good morning, I hope you all had a lovely weekend.  😊

Maths Monday
This morning we will be continuing our learning journey in fractions, refreshing our minds about what we have learned so far and looking at comparing and ordering fractions.

First – Watch the video I have uploaded onto seesaw which explains what we have covered so far and also explains our new learning.

Next - Think about your self-evaluation from last week – what area of fractions did you think you needed to focus on for this week? Did you want to practice writing or drawing fractions? Or did you think you were ready to move on to the next area of fractions?

Taks -  I have attached a collection of worksheets which should support your learning in fractions this week.  The sheets cover what we have already been learning and what the next step in our fractions journey is – ordering fractions.  This is your opportunity to focus on what you need to with your learning of fractions.  You can complete as many or as little of the worksheets as you need to – but remember to focus on an area you think you need more practice with, do not move on until you are ready to.

Then – Log onto Education city and complete some of the new games I have set with fractions.

Extension challenges
Task 1 – Compete in the Sumdog challenge I have created online – who will answer the most questions correctly by 3pm?

Task 2 – Practice your number bonds to 10, 20 and 100 using ‘Hit the Button’ online. 

Task 3 – Create a board game which will support your multiplication and division skills. (Look here for some ideas and suggestions