We made it to Friday! 😊

Fun Friday

This week I had set out 3 new STEM challenges for you to try at home.  Each of them involves using things you can find around your house, so this is your chance to get creative.  Use any materials you like for these challenges, whatever you have handy will do, that’s the great thing about STEM!

I have attached all 3 STEM challenges on the page at the bottom.

Extension tasks
  1. How far can an animal jump? – research animals which are able to jump far and how far they can jump.  Then try jumping as far as you can and measure it.  Were you close to how far they can jump? Research to find an animal which can jump the same distance as you.
  2. How far can humans jump?  Find out who holds the world record for jumping the furthest.  Find out about them and make a poster or leaflet to share the information.
  3. Invent your own toy – draw and design a toy you would like to own.  Explain what it does, what it is made of and what makes it special.  You could even give it a name and write the TV ad or sales poster for it.

I am looking forward to seeing what you all come up with this week, last weeks’ efforts were epic! 😊

Have a great weekend, stay safe.

Miss Fyfe