Good Morning to you all, I hope you have had a great week so far! 😊

Literacy Thursday

Today we will be continuing our learning journey through VCOP – in class we have already been learning about Vocabulary (wow words and adjectives), Connectives (and, so, but, then, because), Openers (then, next, after) and Punctuation (full stops, question marks, exclamation marks, speech marks) but we are not done with P yet – today we will be learning about apostrophes!

Task One – watch the ‘Invasion of the apostrophe’ video.

Task two – Use what you have learned to complete the apostrophe worksheets I have attached. There are 4 different tasks on the sheet, try to do as many as you can.

Extension task – Can you find any other words which use apostrophes to contract a word?  Look through books and magazines, listen to a film, song or TV program and have a chat with someone else.  Make a list of all the different words you can think of which you can push together using an apostrophe.

I hope you have a fantastic day!

Miss Fyfe