Well done for all your hard work on fractions yesterday. Thank you to all parents for supporting your child with their learning!
The lovely weather is back so be sure to enjoy it while it lasts😊
- Watch the video about Robert Louis Stevenson, he built a famous Scottish lighthouse:
There are a few video clips and some photos all on this web page.
- Scottish Lighthouses
Find out different things about ‘your’ lighthouse, for example:
- where it is?
- when it was built?
- when it was automated?
 - which engineer designed it?
Here are a few Lighthouses you might want to research:
- Isle of May (off the coast of Anstruther, Fife)
- Ailsa Craig (off the coast of South Ayrshire)
- Fair Isle South (Fair Isle Island, between Orkney and Shetland)
- Davaar (off Kintyre, Argyll and Bute)
- Bell Rock (off the coast of Arbroath)
- Neist Point (Isle of Skye)
It is completely up to you how you do this and how much depth you go into.
You might want to create a poster, a non-fiction book or a video to share what you have learned.
Story creator is a free app we used with you on a recent shared finish – this could be used for lots of learning while developing digital literacy skills (which I’m sure we all have plenty of by now!)
But please remember there is no pressure to engage with all tasks that have been set – more than anything I am just enjoying seeing your happy faces over on Seesaw and sharing what you have been up to. You all look like you are having a brilliant time at home and learning so many life skills and making memories you will never forget!
Stay safe and take care!Â

Miss Sweeney x